Shell considera vender biodiesel B3 na Tailândia

(Notícia em Espanhol)
In Thailand, Shell Co of Thailand is reputedly considering selling B3 biodiesel, based on the diesel’s good gross margin. Chairwoman Pissawan Achanapornkul stated, “The company is disappointed with government policy on alternative fuels. Initially, the Energy Ministry was committed to phasing out B3 and replacing it with B5 nationwide from Jan 1 this year… That plan was first delayed to the end of this month and more recently until the second quarter.”

Pissawan further commented that due to the subsidies, the gross margin for B3 was .1 baht higher than for B5, even though normally, the B5 should have a higher gross margin. Pissawan further stated that this lead to motorists favoring B3 over B5 biodiesel blends.»