Indonésia não deve atingir objectivos estipulados para biocombustiveis até 2025

(Notícia em Inglês)
Indonesia is unlikely to meet its goal of supplying 5% of the country’s energy demand with biofuels by 2025, according to a recent report published by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).

In addition, weak legal protections for local communities and lax enforcement of environmental regulations threaten to undermine the green credentials of the country’s palm oil, leading them to call on Indonesian authorities to reconsider plans for the development of palm oil plantations.

In 2005, Indonesia’s growing oil consumption outstripped domestic production, making it vulnerable to fluctuations in the price of oil on the world market. Around 30% of the national budget is spent on imported petroleum.

In addition, the country’s own oil reserves are expected to be exhausted within 25 years. To reduce Indonesia’s reliance on imported petroleum, the government introduced a national energy policy with ambitious targets for the domestic production of biofuels. Indonesia is the world’s leading producer of crude palm oil, supplying around 50% of global demand.»